ISO rating changes take effect February 1

Changes in the ISO ratings for properties in the Dora-Sitkum RFPD will start on Feb. 1, 2017.

For many years, all properties in the district had an ISO rating of 9. Recently, ISO changed its rating system.

The district’s structural fire suppression delivery system was put through an analysis a few months back. The result was that most properties in the district improved from a 9 to an 8B, while some properties fell from a 9 to a 10. Properties that are within five road miles of the fire station in Dora will be re-classified as 8B, beginning in February. Properties that are more than five road miles from the Dora fire station will be re-classified as 10.

All properties in Sitkum will be re-classified as 10 because they are farther than five miles from the Dora fire station, but that rating is likely to improve when the new fire garage is constructed in Sitkum.

The ratings can make a difference—though probably a small difference—in the cost of fire insurance on structures. As one example, the fire district’s insurance agent estimated that the new 8B rating will save the fire district $10 annually on insuring its buildings in Dora.

To find out more about the new ratings, contact Fire Chief Mike Sonnen or any board member: Rich Kirk, Dave Rose, Dan Sena, Betty Vaughn, and Tara Johnson.